The Global Technology for Social Justice Lab (GloTech@UMass) is a hub for engaged scholarship and action research at the intersection of critical tech studies and global studies.

Housed in the Department of Communication in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, GloTech@UMass conducts team-based collaborative projects, supports members and affiliated research fellows to pursue high-impact research, and provides pedagogical and mentoring initiatives for graduate and undergraduate students.

Our vision for the Lab is to be a world-leading space that advances a globally minded and community-driven model for critical tech research where academics and practitioners forge transnational and local networks of solidarity promoting social justice and equity. We pursue rigorous social science research drawing on both critical qualitative methods and computational approaches.


We start from the premise that analyzing how the technological practices of corporations and states perpetuate social injustice cannot be limited to one country or region.


The public conversation needs an expanded analysis of how digital oppression unfolds across national borders and how diverse, marginalized groups can design culturally meaningful interventions and mobilize around shared advocacy across borders. Holding global tech companies accountable and critiquing securitization and techno-nationalism under illiberal governments requires transnational and comparative scholarship and cross-sectoral community-building.


We conduct original, collaborative, large-team-based projects, support individual members with high-impact scholarship that engages specific target communities, and provide new pedagogical initiatives and mentoring at the intersection of critical tech studies, global media studies, and computational social science.


The global injustices we address include misinformation and hate speech, data exploitation, economic and cultural marginalization, digital repressions and harassment by illiberal governments, and a corporate sector that is too often opaque and unaccountable.

Research Areas

Geopolitics and the Political Economy of Tech

Global Digital Injustices

Tech for Healing and Resilience