Our faculty and students are from all over the world.

GloTech Lab is a community at UMass that combines critical technology and global studies research with practical application. They offer support and resources for students and graduates to develop innovative projects in these fields.

Jonathan Corpus Ong
Lab Director
Burcu Baykurt
Research Lead
Seyram Avle
Community Lead
Jane Pyo
Postdoctoral Researcher
Weiai “Wayne” Xu
Public Communications Lead
Martha Fuentes-Bautista
Strategic Partnerships Lead
Yena Kang
Grad Fellow
JM Lanuza
Grad Fellow
Larri Miller
Grad Fellow
Lizhen Zhao
Grad Fellow
Marco Trigoso Aching
Grad Fellow
Nora Suren
Grad Fellow
Brendan O’Connor
Senior Fellow
Mari Castaneda
Senior Fellow
Kathy Roberts-Forde
Senior Fellow
Ethan Zuckerman
Senior Fellow